Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. The dream interpretation readings that I offer can be customized or the client can choose to use the questions that I have created for these readings. When you dream the dreams can literally mean what you are dreaming about or the dreams can mean something totally different.
Let’s take me for example. I have been having pregnancy dreams for over a week which really freaked me out because I do not want any more kids. I have my 3 beautiful girls and I am happy with that but I kept having pregnancy dreams. In a few of the dreams it was me that was pregnant and in other dreams it was people that I knew that was pregnant. Well I tried to do a dream interpretation on myself and it just didn’t work so I decided to do some research online regarding pregnancy dreams and I found so many sites that said the same thing which was that I am starting on a new path and I am terribly scared to start this new chapter of my life. So in my case the pregnancy dreams meant that I would be starting something new.
Another example is a friend of mine came to me with a dream regarding a guy that she has only spoken to online. Her dream was basically telling her that she was misinterpreting this man in every way possible. She was letting her own fears get in the way of seeing what this man is really about.
My other example is that one of my clients came to me because she was having tons of dreams that stated she had cancer. She even saw herself on a gurney. I explained to her through my cards that those were her fears coming out in her dreams. I told her that her doctor had found a lump in her breast and the doctor will be sending her for a few procedures and she told me that I was right about her doctor and all the appointments she will have to go to. In the end I told her that these procedures are just a precaution and they needed to be done in order to make sure the lump wasn’t cancerous. She was so relieved to know that she wasn’t going to die but I urged her to do as the doctor directed because I am not a doctor and the only thing I can do is guide her towards the path that is meant for her.
Tarot & Dream Interpretation sessions can help guide you through troubled emotions and clouded thoughts.  Using Tarot cards to interpret your dreams is an age-old technique. They offer a reflection of your past, insights to your current situations, and possibilities for the future.  Access your inner wisdom so you can: Deal with unresolved issues, Improve relationships, Cope with anger, change and loss, Make better choices, Become more creative in all areas of life, Lead you toward personal growth and spiritual fulfillment, Strengthen your intuition, and more.
There are people find that it is acceptable to work with dreams but they do not find that it is acceptable to work with the Tarot.  However, truth be told, you can utilize the Tarot in order to help you with self-growth and understanding without ever doing any form of divination at all.  This is because with both dreams and the tarot you will get a wide variety of images.  These images will pique your unconscious in a very delightful way.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What Is the Difference between Palm Reading and Tarot reading?

I have decided to explain the difference between reading someone’s palm and reading tarot cards. I have had many customers automatically assume that I know how to read someone’s palm because I can read tarot cards and communicate with the dead but that’s not the case at all. Although I have the ability to read palms I do not advertise it because the majority of my business is online and for obvious reasons I cannot see the customer’s hand. So I thought it would be a good idea to explain the difference between the two.
Palm reading is reading the lines of the hands. Much as reading a book except the lines tells the story of their lives. Palmistry is best seen as a dynamic process. The lines of the hand are not carved in stone. Since the lines of the hand reflect our thinking, as our attitudes and behavior patterns change, the lines reflect these changes. The lines physically change as our thinking changes. In fact, you can see distinct changes in as little as three months. It is important to look at both hands during a reading. Depending on which hand is active (usually seen as the hand you write with), in combination with the inactive hand, shows where you have been (passive), and where you are likely headed (active) in this life.
Your hands contain helpful information about your talents, emotions, dreams, and spirituality, but you should always remember that they are like a road map full of many choices that can affect your destiny. Your life's lessons are already written in the lines on your hand, but there is not always a clear-cut, predestined path. The road ahead will certainly have some forks and crossroads, and it will be up to you to decide where you want to go. However, with the help of palmistry, you can embark on your life's journey with a map of your destiny — right in the palm of your hand!
Tarot reading is all about your personal interpretation of the cards and their meanings. The Tarot is originally a deck of 78 cards. These cards can be used in many ways. The main idea of tarot reading is to use your intuition and the meaning of the card in order to receive the message it is trying to give you. This type of reading can be done online or in person because all you really need to do is focus on the person’s name and date of birth. Some people use pictures along with the name and date of birth but not everyone feels comfortable sending a total stranger a picture of themselves. So when it comes to reading online you really need to focus on the person you are reading for because at times it can be difficult to do certain readings. Not everyone is the same and some people are skeptics which can and may interfere with the reading you may be doing. So the main idea is to focus!
Palmistry is another way of getting information but I find the information to have less detail. When you do a palm reading the reading gets straight to the point and it may not give you the complete information that you may be seeking which is why I choose not to advertise that specific ability unless a customer asks for that service.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

How do you know if you are psychic?

Being psychic isn’t really about what you know it’s about what you feel. Psychics have the ability to "feel" thoughts, ideas, and emotions as well as "know" them. The hard part is putting these feelings into words and trying to connect what we feel to the physical world. Some psychics are much better at putting what they feel to words than others. EVERY ONCE IN a while, you get the feeling that the phone is going to ring... and it does. Or you know who it is that is calling... and you are right. A song is playing in your head; you turn on the radio, and there it is... the same song. You are overwhelmed; somehow, with the feeling that a close friend or relative is in trouble or needs your help at that moment... and you soon learn that is actually the case. Psychic ability is not something we GET but something we have.
 Here are definitions of many different types of psychic abilities.
Clairvoyance: Psychic information arrives in the form of pictures or visions. When we see a ghost or a spirit guide, or a deceased loved one that is also considered Clairvoyance.
Clairaudience: Clairaudience is the gift of psychic hearing. When a Clairaudient receives information, it comes onto his or her mind as thoughts.
Clairsentience: This ability has to do with sensing. This is more of a body feeling or sensing. If someone is Clairaudient, he or she has psychic radar working all the time, psychically feeling the environment as he or she goes through the day.
Clairgustance: means 'clear tasting'. It is the ability to perceive tastes through Psychic senses. Someone with this ability can taste a substance that is not of a physical nature. It is the ability to perceive the essence of a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms using the taste.
Intuition: Intuition, a gut feeling, is yet another powerful psychic ability that comes very handy as the psychic does not have to make any special effort to evoke it. Intuition means knowing without the use the physical senses. Intuition means immediate apprehension, cognition or direct knowledge without using the normal thought processes or logical inferences.
Aura Reading: Aura is a vital, subtle, luminous energy circle that envelopes and radiates within and around each human being. The part of the aura around the head is represented as nimbus or halo to depict the saints, angels, and enlightened beings. The elevated and awakened human beings have more brilliant auras. The variegated aura radiates the thoughts and emotions, which keep changing according to the person’s state of mind. The psychics and clairvoyants can see and read the auras and understand the mental make-up of the person.
Clairempathy:  To sense or "feel" within one's self, the attitude or emotions of another person. An Empath is a person who can psychically tune in to the emotional experience of a person, place or animal. Clairempathy is a type of telepathy to sense or feel within one's self, the attitude, emotion or ailment of another person or entity. Empaths tune into the vibrations and "feel" the tones of the aura.
Clairtangency: means 'clear touching'. It is more commonly known as psychometry. It is the ability to handle an object and perceive Psychic information from the spiritual or ethereal realms using touch. clairempathy means 'clear emotion'. It is the ability to psychically tune into others emotions. Someone with this ability tunes into the vibrations of the spiritual and ethereal realms and feels the tones of another's aura.
Clairscent: means 'clear smelling'. It is the ability to perceive a fragrance or odor through Psychic senses. Someone with this ability can perceive odors that are not of a physical nature. It is the ability to perceive the essence of a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms using smell.
Capnomancy: interpreting the flow and shapes in the smoke of a fire to from a prophecy.
These are just of few of the many abilities that are out there. Just remember Psychic ability is not something we GET but something we have.

Do you need to be Psychic to learn how to read tarot cards?

No, anyone can learn how to read tarot cards. You don't have to be psychic. When I realized I had the ability to read tarot cards I decided it was time to educate myself so that I can learn the correct way of doing tarot readings. The cards are just a way of guiding you through your everyday life. At times I have found that the cards will give you some indication as to what is to come and a lot of the times the cards will show your past and how it has led up to your future.
For beginners I recommend The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck by Arthur Edward Waite.  The books that really helped me learn the proper way to read tarot cards was Learning the Tarot: A Tarot Book for Beginners by Joan Bunning and Learning Tarot Reversals by Joan Bunning. These books were very insightful. They taught me that there are different meanings to the cards if they are reversed and that there are many different layouts that can be used to interpret a reading. I also chose to keep my tarot cards wrapped in a white handkerchief and in a wooden box that I found on I simply searched wooden tarot card boxes and so many beautiful ones came up. I have also chosen to bless my cards. This is not needed unless you are in a religion that believes in blessing things such as catholic, Christian, etc.
There are two types of readings, question readings and open readings. In question readings, you are addressing a specific question. Tarot is not intended to answer specific yes or no questions. Most say it also shouldn't be used to make decisions, but instead should be used as a guide to help you make the decision yourself. For this reason, the way a question is stated is very important.
Open readings address the larger aspects of your life rather than a specific problem area or question. They're usually done when you're entering a new phase of life, such as getting married, graduating from college or starting a family. You can somewhat direct the reading if you have a general area you want to cover, such as your career or health, but that's as specific as the direction gets.
So if you are interested in learning how to read tarot cards these items are a must have!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Truth About Being A Tarot Reader

True story: About 5 years ago I decided to start my online tarot business because my offline business did so well. My goal was to reach and help people all over the world with my abilities. I do what every work at home mom does and I advertised anywhere and everywhere it was free. I joined forums and groups of all kind to get the word out about my business. I followed all of their rules when it came to posting and advertising. When I received my first online paying customer she was so happy and satisfied with her reading that she invited me to a group that she was affiliated with called The Mom Pack.
I was so excited to join this group because she bragged so much about them and all I could think to myself was what a great group and opportunity this was going to be. I joined there group and I received so much welcome from them; they all made me feel at home. I received tons of welcome emails and advertising of all the different opportunities that were out there. Once I read through there rules I knew what each day allowed and I followed their rules with no problem.
Anyway I had posted a few advertisings here and there but I wasn’t a big fan of yahoo groups so it wasn’t often that I posted. One day I decided to send a promotional email out to the people who had given me there emails to receive updates regarding my business. To my surprise my AOL account had saved everyone’s email including business emails without my knowledge and over 1000 emails went out without me realizing it.
That day I received quite a few emails from group members kindly asking me to remove them from my list of emails. I explained to them that I did not have a list of emails and that there was an error with my email. I explained to them that my email had automatically saved there emails without me know. So I apologized and emptied my address book completely. I was truly in shock to see that my email had saved so many emails. I had no idea that this was even possible.
After apologizing one of the group members decided that she was going to verbally attack me regarding the email that was accidentally sent to her and she went on to rant and rave about how she hates spam and how she doesn’t believe in what I do. She then went on to tell me that I was a scam artist trying to scam her group members out of money. At first I thought this was a private message between me and her until I received over 70 emails from group members bashing me. She claimed that I went on her group to steal emails and scam her members. Needless to say I gave her a piece of my mind and I left her group.
Almost a year later I received over 90 emails with more than half her group attacking me once again. They all claimed to have received another email from which wasn’t true because at this point I made it my business  to always check my address book now so that that never happened again. It was to the point that I got verbally attacked by these women al because they didn’t like what I did for a living. It was absolutely ridiculous. I reported them to the BBB and and they continued to bash me. I decided to let it go because these women were all being told to do these things by the owner of the group and since these women did not have a mind of their own and they chose to be her puppets there was no point in arguing with them anymore. I let them continued there rant and in return there were tons of women that felt so bad that I had been attacked in that way and they apologized and actually became customers of mine which I thought was kind of funny.
The point to this is not everyone is going to like what I do and I’m ok with that. I have never forced my business on anyone and I never would. I respect when people tell me that they don’t believe in what I do. I don’t attack anyone for not liking what I do because everyone is entitled to their opinion. There are plenty of haters out there that will find a reason to make you look bad it’s up to you to represent yourself in a way that makes them look bad. They may discredit the way you read or they may simply not like YOU.  You’ll get your fair share of flack just for showing up and being you. People will want you to be wrong. Skeptics love nothing more than proving you are “full of crap”. They want to cast doubt on anything that seems to be too far outside their norm. 
Clients may leave and never come back. I have learned that not everyone will be dazzled by our talents in fact we may scare a few off because of how accurate we are.  People may like you just fine but may not need more than one tarot reading, ever.  And some will be pissed for whatever reason and take their business elsewhere.  The ones who really value your work will stay. 
Every so often I come into contact with someone who thinks I shouldn’t take money for reading tarot.   These people seem to believe that making a living doing this work makes it somehow less “spiritual”.  They don’t seem to realize that a full time reader has bills to pay, mouths to feed, and only so many hours in the day.  Clients are paying for your time – not just the time you spend with them but the time you spend learning and developing your skill.
Reading tarot has taught me to grow a thick skin because of the attacks that I have endured and I know in my heart that there can and may be more attacks to come and I’m ok with that because I know and understand that not everyone has to like what I do.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Are psychics satanic or evil?

Absolutely not. Anyone who is Satanic or evil would call themselves something other than a psychic. Most Psychics believe their gift was given by God just as everyone else’s is. Some people are born musicians, some are born artists, and some are born psychics. Many historical figures from Roman times to Ronald Regan have sought the advice of psychics when they needed it. There are also plenty of Christian psychics, Jewish psychics, and Catholic psychics. Psychic ability has nothing to do with religion or beliefs, but rather if the person was born with a gift or not. Some people say that during a psychic reading that psychics tap in to Satan’s power, but how would he have a power that God does not have or did not give him? Isn’t God all powerful? Surely people on his side also have these same powers, if not MUCH stronger powers, to combat the people who are psychic and also chose Satanism as their religion. There have been far more people who claim to have psychic powers and say they received as a gift from God than there have ever been people who say they are using Satan’s power to be a psychic. Satan is allowed to remain because it is God’s will, and God would not give his children the shorter end of the stick and Satan’s minions an advantage.

A lot would see someone who gets answers from beyond as evil, but surely there are just as many if not more good spirits that are out there than bad spirits. Like nature, the spiritual world is very balanced and will correct imbalances. Most psychics call upon God or Jesus and give them credit for the gifts they have. They ask for the holy spirit to guide them, not for dark powers or Satan. Also, unlike what you see on TV or movies, psychics do not all look like gypsies and only stay in dark rooms. They are people like you and me, and most of these people tell only their family and close friends. We’ve all heard the story about how someone’s grandma knew her son had died at the moment he passed even though he was far away. Or the grandpa who saw his brother come into his room on the night he died. Most people do have a psychic experience in their lives, but can’t tap into the ability enough to be able to turn it on and off.

These people did not tap into the power of Satan to use this power. These people are regular people like you and me, they know nothing of black magic or Satanism. The same way most psychics know nothing about Satanism. Yes there could be a Satanic psychic out there, but there could also be a Satanic police officer, and that doesn’t make all police officers Satanic. There is no need to worry if a psychic is a Satanist anyways, as you just move on because there will be far more psychics who believe in God out there to help you.

Warning Signs That Your Tarot Reader May Be a Scam Artist

It starts out innocently enough.
You walk into a modest, ordinary office for a tarot reading or you put your trust in an online tarot reader. The reader begins laying out the cards and chatting pleasantly but suddenly a dark look crosses her face.  With grave concern in her voice, she takes your hand and starts to talk about the “negative energy” surrounding you. Suddenly her eyes become wide as she exclaims:  “someone has put something on you!  You’ve been cursed!”  You’re scared but secretly relieved.  Now you know why your life sucks.  It can’t be your choices – it has to be a curse!  It’s not your fault! Let first start off by saying there are no such things as curses or hexes and there is no such thing as a cleaning or cleansing to remove these so called hexes and curses. Once you hear them say you have a curse on you that is your red flag and you need to ask for your money back and leave right away.
Once he or she mentions the curse that they claim is on you that’s when the reader begins to lay it on thick. They begin imploring you to get a “cleansing” or “healing” (and of course, only they can do it for you). You will hear them say It will “only” cost you $99.00.
Now if you are a vulnerable type (which is what the reader is hoping for), you may be frightened enough to pull that money out of your wallet on the spot and get your “healing”.  But guess what? It does not stop there.  Before long, you’ve spent a lot of money and added a great deal of superstitious anxiety to your life for no reason at all. At this point you’ve just been conned. 
But before you kick yourself for being a sucker, let me tell you this: it happens more than you know and many of the people who fall for this trick are reasonably intelligent, normal people.   And most people who work in the psychic arts are decent, hardworking, honorable and kind.  It’s the rare few that rip people off and give honest readers a bad name.
If you know the simple warning signs, you can minimize your risk and be able to walk away with dollars (and pride) intact.  Here’s what you need to watch out for:
1. If the reader constantly asks you questions, they are not doing a reading.  You should be the one asking the questions, not them.
2. Calling you at home, urging you to call them, trying to lure you in – any of these tactics are a huge red flag.  A reader should NEVER bother you for business.  You should only be going to a reader when YOU feel the need to go. 
3. A special offer is one thing – scary mail or “urgent” emails demanding your immediate attention are another.  If you get either, throw it in the trash and/or hit delete.
4.The “curse” line.  If a reader begins to tell you about a curse or negative energy that someone “put on you”, stop the reading right there.  This is the oldest line in the book and a total crock.  No one has the power to put a curse on you.  Your problems stem from decisions or choices that you make in your life.  And you, only you, can change course at any time you want. To believe otherwise takes your personal responsibility away from you and puts all your personal power in the hands of others.
5.Charging you large sums of money for a “cleansing” or “healing”.  No ethical reader would EVER charge you a big fee to remove a curse, cure “negative energy” or solve your problems.  If you really do have major emotional issues, a honest reader would refer you to the proper professionals who can help you.
6. If a reader tells you that you cannot tell anyone about your reading or it “won’t come true” this is a sign that they are not on the up and up.  You should be able to tell anyone you please about your reading and furthermore, you should be able to tape the reading if you wish. 
These general warnings should protect you from getting ripped off by one of these low-lives.  These people are in the minority.  Most of the time, a tarot reading is a positive, fun and empowering experience and most readers and psychics sincerely want to help you. Take your time to find a reader that you like and trust.  And always remember this: you are the only one who holds the power to your life.  Don’t let anyone ever convince you otherwise.

7 Tips for Getting a Great Tarot Reading

 Most people come to a tarot reader because they are seeking clarity in their lives.
But there may be times when a reading won’t give you the answers you are looking for.  Is it because the reader sucked – or is it you?
In some cases a reader may indeed lack talent or perhaps have trouble making a connection to you but there are some measures you can take to get the most out of your tarot reading. And it begins with CLARITY on your part.
Here’s what you need to do before you walk in the door and expect to be dazzled:
1.Know what kind of reading you want.  There are many different approaches to tarot.  Some offer straight up predictions, some are therapeutic, some can be interactive and there are those who are only about entertainment.  Find a style that appeals to you and then begin searching for a reader who fits the bill.
2.Pick a reader who is compatible with your energy because simply put, no reader can read for everyone.  A few tips for finding the right reader:
A.You can go by word of mouth but a word of caution: what someone considers a “good reading” may not be your cup of tea.  Be sure to ask details about what they liked or didn’t like about the reading.
B.If they have a website, read it carefully to see if you can get a feel for their personality.  Know their guidelines so you can honor their boundaries (ex: some readers do not answer questions about other people).
C.Contact the reader directly and ask questions about their methods and policies.  If you feel comfortable, it’s probably a good sign that you will be compatible. (In my opinion, this is the best barometer for making your decision.)
3.Get in the right mindset.  Approach your reading with openness. If you are coming in with a skeptical “prove it to me” attitude, you are putting your reader in a hostile and defensive position which is never conducive for a good reading.  Also, never ever get a reading if you are anxious or hysterical.  A desperate frame of mind will only hear what they want to hear, for good or for ill.
4.Write down your questions before you come.  There is nothing worse than walking out the door and forgetting the “big question” you wanted to ask.  Having a list keeps you focused and organized and insures you get the important questions answered.
5.Tape your reading.  This allows you to focus on the reading rather than taking notes. Plus it’s handy for reflecting later. (For the record, I prefer taking notes when I get a reading as I know I will never listen to a recording but that’s just me.)
6.Don’t be vague. Ask specific questions.  Be direct and to the point. Also, be sure to ask questions that empower your situation And please, resist the urge to “test” your reader by dragging a red herring across the question. An honest request to the universe creates honest, clear answers.
7.Give time for things to percolate.  Avoid the temptation to go back and revisit the reading without allowing enough time to pass.  Coming in and hammering the same question over and over only leads to a frustrated reader and mixed messages.  (My cards get very snotty when people are aggressively asking the same questions too often.)
In any service oriented business (yes, tarot reading is one), it is imperative that you be a good consumer.  If you’ve done your homework, you will be able to approach your reading with trust, openness and a clear agenda. And that is the perfect recipe for a great tarot reading.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Part 5 Of My Journey As A Psychic

My last and most favorite psychic gift is the ability to read tarot cards. I was 14 years old when I did my first reading. I had no idea what I was doing and I was doing it just for fun until the person told me that I was right on with what I was telling her. At this point I just laughed it off but a month later the lady came back to me and told me that I was totally right. I finally decided to invest in a set of cards so that I can get a better idea of what to do with them. Things came pretty naturally to me but there was still a lot I had to learn. So I ordered some reading materials that helped me learn the meaning of the cards better than what I already knew. The books helped a lot and I learned so many different layouts. I learned how to create and customize my own readings on my own and I learned what is the proper way to do a reading with someone in front of me and when I did the readings online.
Tarot cards can be used for practical problem-solving, creative visualization, meditation, self-improvement, as a tool of understanding, for divination and fortune-telling, even for card games. Some collect Tarot cards simply for the joy of the artwork, while others look further into research and study of the history of Tarot cards.
Tarot cards are simply a deck of picture cards containing 78 cards in all. Like regular decks of cards tarot cards have four suits. Only instead of the suits having hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs, the suits of tarot cards are called wands, swords, cups and circles or pentacles.
These four suits are divided into what is called minor and major arcana cards. The minor arcana cards consist of 1-10 cards and Kings, queens, knights and pages. The minor arcana cards are the small practical things in life, the daily ups and downs.
There are numerous ways to lay out tarot cards in order to give a reading and the exact lay out may depend on the type of reading that a person is seeking as well as the reader himself.
The three main uses of tarot cards are:
1. Straight divination
2. Spell work (these decks are especially designed for spell work)
3. Working the Tree of Life (for doing a great work)
While you can use almost any tarot cards for straight divination, only the updated decks can be used for spell work and working the Tree of Life.

Part 4 Of My Journey As A Psychic

Hey everyone this entry will explain one of my many journey’s as a psychic. The third psychic gift I have is Clairsentience. Clairsentience has to do with sensing. This is more of a body feeling or sensing than actually seeing visions with your third eye or physically hearing thoughts or voices. I have had this ability sine my teen years. I have always had the ability to feel what others feel whether I knew them or not.
If someone is Clairsentient he or she has psychic radar working all the time, psychically feeling the environment as he or she goes through the day. The down side to clairsentience is that I have become a psychic sponge. I have the ability to soak up too much of the environment and I carry it with me which at times can really suck.
My first experiences were with my family. I could feel when something was wrong before they even said anything to me but as the years went by this ability grew stronger and stronger and it was to the point that I could feel the feelings of total strangers. All they had to do was walk by me and I could clearly feel everything that they were feeling. This ability is good when needed but it is extremely hard to turn it off. I have tried everything and this is the one ability that will not shut down and it drains me so badly. It’s to the point that when I talk a walk outside I have to listen to my Ipod or I will hear feel and see everything that is around me whether I want to or not.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Part 3 Of My Journey As A Psychic

My second psychic gift that I have been blessed with is Clairaudience. Clairaudience is the psychic gift of hearing. My first experience with Clairaudience was when a family member was asking me to do a tarot reading for them. I agreed and I ask what the question they had was and once they told me I immediately received the answer. At first I didn’t say anything because I thought I was assuming the answer so I kept quiet and did the reading once I got home. After doing the reading I realized the answer I had received was the correct answer. At this point I thought it was a coincidence so I let it go. With time this ability kept happening people would come up to me and ask me questions and I don’t know how but I had the answer right away without thinking twice. I never responded right away because I still wasn’t comfortable with this ability so after receiving the messages I would always consult my cards to make sure what I was hearing was accurate.
A lot of people may think this ability sounds simple enough but it can be very confusing. When a clairaudient receives information it comes into his or her mind as thoughts. Since these thoughts don’t sound any different from your own thought’s the clairaudient’s job is to learn through trial and error, to distinguish between personal thoughts and incoming psychic information. There are a variety of sources that send thoughts to us. We could be receiving information from our spirit guides; a guardian angel, deceased loved ones, or earth bound spirits. Spirits do not have voices as we do. The way they communicate with each other and with us is by projecting thoughts. Another form of communication is mental telepathy. This is hearing thoughts of people who are either in your general vicinity or simply in your life. It’s not uncommon for us to pick up the thoughts of people we are very connected to on a psychic level.
At times I will receive messages without a question being asked but that’s not often. When it comes to me this ability works better for me when the question is asked but not everyone’s is the same so this ability can be used in many different ways.

Part 2 Of My Journey As A Psychic

Today’s topic will be about the first psychic gift that I have which is Clairvoyant. My Clairvoyance ability started about 5 years ago. I didn’t realize what was going on until I actually saw my visions come true. I decided to do some research to see if what I can learn about this ability. In my research I found that Clairvoyance is when psychic information arrives in the form of pictures or visions. Clairvoyance is the gift of seeing images. We all have an invisible third eye which is sometimes too referred to the psychic eye. It’s with this eye that a clairvoyant sees information in the form of pictures, visions or images. When we see a ghost, a spirit guide, or a deceased loved one that is also clairvoyance.
At first it just started with visions and pictures but as time passed I was able to speak to the dead through my tarot cards. The person I was reading for would ask for their deceased loved one and they would appear next to me and if they had a message for them it would show through the reading I was doing. The first time I ever saw a spirit is when I was doing a reading for a friend of mine. She asked me about her father who had passed away and out of nowhere he was standing near me. I didn’t realize it was him until I described the man to her she then started crying and let me know that yes it was her father who was with me. As you can imagine I was terrified but the woman’s father wasn’t mean he was very nice and he made sure he got his messages to her and then he left. They were actually able to hold a conversation through the reading which after a while I thought was pretty cool because I didn’t even know I could do that until that happened.
Now when I do a reading if the person I am reading for asks about a deceased loved one they usually come through if they have a message for them or if they just want to talk. Now that I’m use to this ability I enjoy doing it because it gives a lot of people the closure they need that they may have never gotten if it wasn’t for me.
This ability that I have makes it all worth the attacks that I have endured because of the skeptics that say that I’m evil or a scam artist because I choose to charge for my services, but deep down inside I know that I have helped thousands of people get the closure they were so desperately looking for and that’s enough for me.

Part 1 Of My Journey As A Psychic

Hi, Everyone. I am a tarot reader and clairvoyant. I began to develop my abilities when I was 14 years old. At first I thought it was a joke because I read someone’s cards just for fun, but it turned out that my reading was very accurate which scared me a bit. The facts that I read the cards correctly stood with me for about a month until I decided it was time for me to by my own set of cards and learn the correct way to read them. As time went by my psychic abilities grew stronger and I began having visions of things that had not happened yet. At first I thought I was going crazy but one day one of the visions I had had just come true right in front of me. At that point the visions started flooding in and throughout the months they slowly came true. Shortly after this I began to hear and feel and see what people were thinking it’s like I became a psychic sponge. I tried to ignore everything but it was very difficult to do and by abilities to get stronger and stronger.

At this point I kept the ability to hear see and feel to myself until one day I did a reading for a good friend of mine and I noticed a man standing near me. I was totally alone in my house so obviously no one was in my house. Shortly after that my customer asks me to see if her father who had passed away had any messages for her. Now this was my first time receiving a question like that so I ask the question to the cards and her father showed himself to me. At this point I thought I was going crazy until I asked her to describe her father to me. Once she did I had realized that her father had come through and he did have a message for her. In fact they had a whole conversation through my cards. It was cool and scary all at the same time because my friend received the information she needed but I was scared to death. Day by day by abilities continue to grow and I finally feel comfortable with everything I can do I am no longer scared to see, hear or feel anything that is thrown at me.